On-Campus Services are cancelled, but we are streaming online.
More information: Cordova Online Community
Schedule of Worship
9:30 AM | Bible Classes for All Ages
10:15 AM | Dismissal for Worship
10:30 AM | Worship Service & Communion in Auditorium
12:00 PM | Dismissal
We believe it is vitally important to a person’s faith to meet regularly with fellow believers to praise God, study Jesus, and pray in the Holy Spirit. We value beginning our week by remembering Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.
Here’s what you can expect at a Sunday morning gathering:
Praise through Singing:
Worshiping God is central to the life of a Christian; we live to praise Him. We sing to show God how much we love Him and to proclaim His name as the greatest power in our lives. No matter how dark life may seem, our songs remind us: the light is winning.
Weekly Communion:
We remember the grace of God through communion each week. We drink juice to remember the blood poured out to wipe away the sins of the world and we break bread to remember that Christ’s body was broken for our redemption.
The Offering, reminds us that God is the source of all riches. It is a chance to actively participate in the kingdom work of our church by helping to fund our ministries. We want our guests to know they are in no way obligated to give at this time but are welcome to.
We hope to encourage each individual’s faith through the public discussion of God’s Word. Each sermon seeks to proclaim the wonder of the resurrection of Jesus, encourage believers in their faith, and provide practical ways to practice following Jesus throughout the week.
Public Prayers:
We believe in honest prayers because we pray to a God who is big enough to handle all of our struggles, doubts, and fears. In service, our prayers range from prayers of thanking God for all He has done to prayers that intercede on behalf of the sick. Prayer also provides a chance for us to hear from God.